Wonderful How can you throw words tormented and tortured/ For the writer, the author, the poet/Prasanna Bhatta/Image and feather program

How can you throw words tormented and tortured

To my honesty and pride of my love to you???

You don't know where thorn pinched

When you left me alone thinking of only you.

Only the bearer knows how much tormenting 

You have no right to criticise to my pride

My love was highly praising and augmenting

Leaving all, I had decided to sit beside.

I was mused and bemused about your behaviour 

Still unknown to me what is my fault.

Advising you to go on a right path as saviour 

Without discriminating love with default 

You are a closed book about my love

No need or right to criticize or show finger to my pride.

I'm a man, never run after anothers for love

I'm a man, never ever be in jeer and sneer side.

Never think,I'm propestrerous and salacious

I'm living for making my life pious and sagacious. 

©️®️@ Prasanna Bhatta.India 


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