PEACE AND WAR INSIDE History/©️®️@Prasanna Bhatta India


History proves that no war without invitation to enemy

Outer never dares to declare war sans support of inner enemy

If we remove war and restore peace in our world or country 

Let's remove inner enemy ignorance, illiteracy & beggary 

These people are spending lives without basic needs 

Other few people are living luxuriously having position, indeed

Jealousy and ill feelings are burning like burning flame

Whenever get a little chance , they support sans feeling blame

Let's fulfill the basic needs of people who are motivated easily 

Illiteracy and ignorance make enemies strengthen outwardly

Instead of wasting time to declare war for self satisfaction 

Let's utilise time&money to eradicate false people in reaction

Wherever it is seen , may be small or big organisation 

The strongest Inner enemy is the man of flattery in action

Let's strengthen safety and security of citizens &nation

Fulfilling basic needs ,health ,education and communication 

Oh man , need peace inside heart, home and country

Removing hidden foenemy who invites war to country

Let's spread love and affection to all sans discrimination 

Removing war ,Peace will touch feet with satisfaction


©️®️@Prasanna Bhatta India 


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