Wonderful masterpieces /Weather the storm to dance in the sun /For the poet author /Kasia Dominik (Poland) .

Weather the storm to dance in the sun


There are cloudy hours in life,

minutes of silence and seconds of happiness,

a very heavy night and a slow day -

It's good that the bad omen fades away with time.


But before it is given to man

experience sweetness at the edge of heaven,

he must go through a path from which he will find meaning,

what makes him sad and what makes him happy.


A thousand dilemmas, even more questions,

questionable words, inconsistent actions,

when the mind thinks: keep common sense,

and the heart says: it's okay, I want more!


Maybe it's good to find a golden mean,

to survive the storm and many blizzards


Kasia Dominik (Poland) 


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